Fort Worth Eastside Transportation Plan
Join us and share your vision for the future of your neighborhood.
Project Overview
The anticipated outcome of the Fort Worth Eastside Transportation Plan (FWETP) is to the engage the community in the selection of a preferred alternative for a rebuilt roadway for Lancaster Avenue, Brentwood Stair Road, and Bridge Street.
The plan includes a large study area encompassing the major segments of east Fort Worth. The study will evaluate the potential of high-capacity transit (HCT), improvements for other facilities in the study area, and supportive economic development and land use policies. The study will also develop consensus-based solutions for pedestrian facilities along Randol Mill Road in the Woodhaven area. The process must be transparent and inclusive to set the project up for the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process.
To accomplish this, the consultant team will take a Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) style approach that engages the community to identify the social, political, and environmental barriers that may derail or delay the project.
The process will be inclusive and, in addition to leveraging the progress made with the community in Phase 1 of the corridor study, will lean on the community and Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC) to develop a vision, goals and objectives for the alternatives analysis, concept development, and form-based code.
Public engagement will be conducted throughout the entirety of the project but will be broken into three phases: Project Initiation, Visioning, and Final Evaluation and Adoption.